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Improving Openness in Animal Research

Why is there a need for greater transparency in animal research in Germany?

The European Animal Research Association (EARA), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Max Delbrück Center, and Freie Universität Berlin invite you to discuss how to improve openness in communications about animal research with the general public, political decision-makers, and opinion formers in Germany.

This event is offered to those working in the life sciences sector and is designed to support researchers, communications staff and institutions that wish to be more open about the animal research they carry out. The focal theme of the workshops is to discuss why scientists, researchers, press officers and other stakeholders can and should talk about animal research while also considering and discussing alternatives. Non-Animal models (NAMs) - which include technologies like in vitro cell cultures, organoids, organ-on-a-chip systems, and computer modelling - can complement or replace traditional animal research, reducing reliance on animal testing and advancing biomedical science.

While public debate on animal research has been on the rise in various European countries and research institutions, there is still significant reluctance within many academic institutions, and amongst scientists, towards conducting a more open and consistent dialogue with the public. Many scientists are still afraid that speaking more openly about their research and their motivations will make them targets, while others lack the confidence to put the case for animal research to what they view as a sceptical public and a potentially hostile media.

The discussion is relevant for members of institutions that are involved in animal research - directly or indirectly - and are currently hesitant to speak out in the media or to participate in public engagement activities. We hope that this workshop, and those hosted by EARA in other countries, will help to kickstart a cultural change and support research institutions to handle this issue constructively.

A certificate of attendance will be available after the events. Hear from the leaders in the field of research and communication about the need for greater openness and transparency about animal research in Germany.

This is an in-person event only. Registration is FREE but mandatory


Kirk Leech (Executive Director, EARA)
Michael Gotthardt (Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin)
Andreas Lengeling (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
Sascha Karberg (Der Tagesspiegel)


Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Virchowweg 24
10117 Berlin




12:00-12:30 - Registration

12:30-14:15 - Presentations (20min per speaker + 5 min questions)

14:15-14:45 - Coffee Break

14:45-16:00 - Panel Discussion: with speakers, Christa Thöne-Reineke (Freie Universität Berlin) and Nuno Miguel Gonçalves (EARA) - moderator

16:00-16:30 - Networking Session


European Animal Research Association (EARA)Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Max Delbrück Center, and Freie Universität Berlin